Our clients
Polygon Physics has partners and customers in different continents, with over 80% being industrials from the semiconductor, analytics, and healthcare sectors. Here are some of its clients in the following list:

- Orsay Physics – Tescan Orsay Holding
- Institute of Thin Films, Sensors and Imaging, University of the West of Scotland
- Institut Laue-Langevin
- Institut Lumière Matière, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay
- Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (CNRS/IN2P3), Grenoble
- The Multi-Scale Laboratory of the Mechanics of Materials group at Eindhoven University of Technology
- Chimie des Interactions Plasma-Surface (ChIPS), Université de Mons
- Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay
- Centre d’Élaboration de Matériaux et d’Etudes Structurales (CEMES), Toulouse
- University of Milano Bicocca
- Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay)